Sunday, 7 August 2011

Marcus Tuigamala's Speech On Racism

I believe people who are racist should be thrown into jail.  It’s people like that who are tearing our world apart through warfare, political gain and corruption.  Just imagine being separated from everyone because of the colour of your skin, is that the kind of world you want to live in?

The most important reason is that everybody is created equally the colour of your skin comes from the amount of melanin included within your skin.  But more importantly than the melanin included within is what lives inside of you.  Everybody is born equally but everybody gets different opportunities due to their circumstances and we all celebrate our uniqueness in different ways.  In addition to this racism causes many problems such as unsettling, fighting and sometimes wars!  There is also racist bullying.  Most people will be racist because they’re not the same as you, especially if you’re a different colour.  Racist bullies will think that their race culture or ethnicity is better than the one their bullying.  Racist bullies will also refuse to get to know the one their bullying and will only focus on the differences they believe exist.

Now I’d like to turn your attention to the people who changed the world like Martin Luther King.  Martin Luther King was a mighty brown man who protested peacefully as did Ghandi.  Martin Luther King helped all brown people to sit anywhere on the bus freely.  Before that there was a lady by the name of Rosa Parks who was thrown into jail for sitting on a bus by a white person.  Martin Luther King changed all of that.  That made him a hero!  That should be us being heroes too!

Building on this fact, on Monday 22nd March the New Zealand Herald wrote an article about some police officers who were making violent and racial attacks.  On March 7th 2000 the New Zealand Herald wrote that many psychiatrists believed Maori who are mentally ill are born that way.  Would you like to be assaulted for nothing or accused of being something you aren’t?  That’s why I believe we should work against this cruel racism and focus on accepting and treating all people equally.

New Zealand should not put up with this horrible situation!

By Marcus Tuigamala

Some of Room 20s Art Work ENJOY!

We hope to see you at our school art exhibition in Week 6 of Term 3!

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Measurement Using E-Tools For Learning In Term 2

 We used centimetres and millimetres to measure 
our fingers and thumbs!

We used interactive website on our
Mimio board to convert between analogue and digital time. 

 We did worksheet activities to support our learning too!

 We did measurement using Mathletics  
activities our teacher set for us which we really enjoyed!

We measured water converting litres to millilitres
and millilitres to litres.
First we recorded our estimates on the Easispeak then
we did the actual measuring. 
We recorded the actual measurement
on the Easispeak too.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

My Holiday In Christchurch

I went to Christchurch on Saturday 16th April, the day after term 1 finished and that evening when I was sitting chatting to my friend we had a 5.3 earthquake aftershock.  It was very scary!  My friend grabbed my arm and pulled me to go with her into the L-cove by the front door of their house, which was the safest place.  The electricity went off and some pictures, cups and pantry items fell down with a crash.  I had spent some time in the afternoon helping my friend's husband tidy his garage workshop but the aftershock shook the canisters and other items off the bench and on to the garage floor again.

We had to eat a cold dinner that evening because the power was not back on until a couple of hours later.  My friends live in Heathcote Valley so it was quite a shake from Diamond Harbour.  When I went to bed that night I took a torch and my friends told me what to do if there was another big aftershake.  I was to stay in bed because my room was the safest room in the whole house.

That was a week ago.  There have been quite a lot of aftershocks since then but I am safely at home in Auckland now.  However I can honest say that I really know how it feels to be in an earthquake now and have a little understanding of what it is like for all those people still living in Christchurch.  I just wish I could make it all stop for them but I can't.

I was greatly impressed by the amazing people of Christchurch who have banded together with a strong sense of friendship, understanding and community.

Miss Thomasen

Learning to play touch rugby!

Sonshine Ranch Trip

Sunday, 6 March 2011